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Dear top 24 bloggers,
I have written a sequel to a previous article "Points systems, blogging and ants... and why popularity stinks"
which is focused on blogger's point systems. As a discussing base, I have used
the following "personal data" of the first 25 bloggers: user points, #
articles and # comments. It consist of a small investigation through statistical
glasses and is by no mean a naming or mocking process.
However, as you may feel embarrassed to see your data
exposed, I'm asking you if you allow me to proceed and using your name. Names
won't change the meaning at all, but their removal will reduce the overall readability
of the article.
Leave a comments here or send me a mail to clarify your
The article will be named "Points systems,
blogging and ants ...(2) the ant and the cicada"and will be posted on Monday.