and I don't care anymore
Published on November 11, 2004 By Jepel In Current Events

So Bush won...

Like a lot of people on this planet, I was not very happy about that.

I remember waking up when they were counting Ohio votes, Kerry was losing, and 8 hours after it was done, 4 more years. Good Job Georges. I had just met an englishman pro-bush the day before. He was a the first I have ever see. But we didn't talk about the election. From europe US presidential election look like a sport events or actually more like a big Wrestling events. 

Spectacular, and shallow.

With a lot of people shouting every where. And a lot of stupid stories. And testosterone . It is hard to take it seriously. I found that Kerry, reporting for duty at the democrat convention was a very funny moment. He looked as an idiot playing soldier. It was even funnier than Bush landing from this plane in pilot suit. 

Unlike WWE, this election has strong consequences outside US border. As a matter of fact, I don't really care if gay can get married or no in US. It has nothing to do with me. But like most of the people on this small earth, I have to live with Mighty W. And like them, I was voiceless for this particular calling. 

Unlike a lot of other europeans, I don't think that Georges is stupid. It doesn't make sense to believe that a guy who became US president after becoming governor of Texas in less than 10 years is stupid. US choosed their president they wanted and they deserve it. Even if as a progressive, it is hard to believe that the human cost will not be high and I'm very uncomfortable with a lot of republican values, european have european issues to solve and we should let US solve their own problem ...even if it means seeing the ocean getting larger.

There will be shuttles.

on Nov 11, 2004
No, we didn't choosed our president...we CHOSE him, and not all of us did. I didn't, and I still have to live with it. So get off your high horse of "America is full of testoerone high people" and and face reality.
on Nov 11, 2004
You might notice that I wasn't talking about american people full of testosterone. I was talking about the election process. Sorry for you and the others millions who feel like you too. If I was a US citizen, I would be very upset. But I'm not. I live elsewhere and I have also to live with something without having my word on it. The best thing to do now, as an european is to build europ. I don't think it is particularly irealistic...
on Nov 11, 2004
Silver, not too cool to beat up on jepel for his english. Nice article friend, honest opinion without whining. Glad to see you still post.
on Nov 11, 2004
I agree with Greywar on all three points. Very happy to see you around here again!
on Nov 11, 2004
Jepel - Will you be doing any more articles analyzing the point or user here at JU? I loved those...
on Nov 11, 2004
Okay okay okay, I'm sorry Jepel. Just a little peeved at people that like dissing on America. Everyone likes to diss on us here, saying we are fat, rich, and stupid, and ca't face reality, until they need us to fight their wars for them, or give them money. It's just really annoying, and I took that out on you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.
on Nov 11, 2004

Silver_and_Jade_Tears : No worries, I can understand really well. There have been a lot of deception here as well. Feel free to correct my spelling, I haven't been blogging for a while in english and I'm still rusty.

greywar & shadesofgrey Thanks for your support. Glad to read you here that quickly. It alwaysbice

greywar There will be. I really enjoyed the subject. I had planed a three part article of which 2 have been published. However, I needed time that I didn't really have. Actually it was a good thing, because it allowed me to rethink the whole issue, and I think that I have enough  material to write at least 2 or 3 more. As a preview, the next one will probably be on memes and cultural aggregations. But don't expect it too soon as I'm still working to finish my PhD. I want one to done by Christmas.

Cheers all of you



on Nov 11, 2004

I'm still working to finish my PhD.

I am very very jealous. I only went to High School.

on Nov 11, 2004
Silver & Jade Tears, i know how you feel about people always dissing America. Good thing Jepel wasnt doing that (BTW, cool article). But it's true America has been critisized a lot lately as if people forget what the US have done and can do for them.
on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.