The Observer Magazine (11/01/2003)
Published on January 11, 2004 By JEPEL In Misc

From truth tellers to television repeats in 21 easy steps.

% of proposals of marriage from men that take place over the Christmas season 31

% of men who attended a work do who confessed, in a Cosmopolitan survey to manoeuvring a female colleague under the mistletoe as an excuse to kiss her 38

% of British women who wed in 1963 who chose a man six or more years younger than themselves 3

% of British women who wed in 1998 who chose a man six or more years younger than themselves 7

% of British women who wed in 1963 who chose a man  younger than themselves 15

% of British women who wed in 1998 who chose a man  younger than themselves 26

% of British women who from a survey of 5000 who claimed never, ever, to have lied 6

% who admitted faking orgasms 48

% who admitted pretending to weight less than they do 51

% who admitted to telling 'Flattering lies' about a partner's sexual ability 73

% who have feigned delight at bad Christmas present 88

% of men aged 22-32 who say their mums buy them underwear more often that their girlfriends 38

% of single men who say a relationship is the one thing that would most improve their life 44 

% of attached men who don't view kissing another woman as cheating 13

% of British adult who have taken part in a threesome 10  

% of people with an STI who tell their sexual partner 90

% rise between 1999 and 2000 of women reporting being sexually assaulted after their drink were spiked 60

% of drug rapes that are perpetrated by acquaintance  70

Daily wage of Gwyneth Paltrow's chauffeur, who apparently often ferried her macrobiotic lunch from her Belgravia flat to the set of the Elstree Studios  £ 200

% of Brits who had an Atkins diet-safe Christmas dinner (no carbohydrate and little alcohol) 40

Number of BBC two's 24 Christmas Day TV programmes that were repeats  17

Compiled by Tom Templeton

1,2 Cosmo/Dating Channel 3-6 ONS 7-11 That's life 12-16 Cosmopolitan 17 Drug Rape trust 18 The Sturman reports  19 Evening Standard 20 Hospital Saving Association 21 BBC 

Published in The Observer Magazine (11/01/2003)

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