I'm back and cheating JoeUser

Probably that some of you know about my ordeal (Thanks to the magnificent Sir Peter), I couldn't and still can't connect to JoeUser from university and I hadn't any other way before now. But my  housemates bought a router so we  can share the access  to broadband. Cool. I think that other people are probably  trapped in the same way because the number of daily article seems lower than usual. (hey, I can't talk but I still can read... )

However, I miss bloging so much that I have open another blog still named  a frenchman in england but in  french. If the frenchspeaking want to visit, they are always welcomed. It is not amazing at the moment but I'm working on it. I want to run both, don't be happy or sad, I stay here!

I would like to thank Sir Peter Maxwell for his continuous support, and George from Stardock who had spend a lot of time trying to fix the problem, (sorry mate, but there are still work to do!).

on Mar 11, 2004
welcome back!
on Mar 11, 2004
bienvenue en arrière Jepel
on Mar 11, 2004
Bienvenue en arrière mon amis Francais!!!

on Mar 11, 2004
thanks guy or your welcome are really appreciated
on Mar 11, 2004
Welcome home--we missed you.
on Mar 11, 2004
Thanks Sherye
on Mar 14, 2004
Write an article on what you think about Agawria, and i will feature it on the agawria.joeuser.com site! all our Australian Agawrians are very interested in you!

on Mar 14, 2004
welcome back Jepel...