Published on December 1, 2003 By JEPEL In Personal Relationships
Yesterday, I have moved out of my accommodation. I was living there for one year and a half. I used to quiet like this house, but recently I couldn't stand it anymore. I was doing anything to delay coming back home. Actually, I wasn't feeling home anymore and sometimes was even feeling physically ill about it.
The main reason come from sharing the house with the landlord. I cannot say that I think he was a bad, the opposite would probably true considering him as an individual. But he was a terrible landlord in a lot of circumstances. He started to rebuild the kitchen for 4 months, without any budget, without any realistic timetable, changing idea very quickly. As a consequence, the kitchen was spreading from the living room to the former kitchen. With wall destroyed and electric wires and tubing. The house (in the old Victorian style) was hard maintaining warm. The shower was never hot. Overall, it was all right but not comfortable and the rent was not very high. The reason I choose to leave start with a mistake I did. Accidentally, I spoil the stairs of the house with cooking oil, the result was awful, but the carpet was already old and heavily damaged, a hole at each steps and a colour that I recall as brownish. I try t remove the oil from 2 hours with a limited success. Oil and carpet stick to each other, a little like politician and money, You can't have one without the other. Thus I went to see B., the landlord, explained him the situation and show him the results. He told me that the result wasn't very important due to the age and state of the carpet. I thought the issue the settle but found out 2 weeks after that he changed the carpet and after reception of the bill realised he charged me 70 £ for that. I was furious, notably because I think he had to tell me previously to be charged and give me the opportunity to do saw. I went to se him ands challenged him on the cost. I really believe the principle "you break, you have to pay" and I feel that the bill was exaggerated. He was almost surprised I ask why I was charged that amount of money for changing something that was rubbish from the start. I manage to settle a £ 20 discount but found the way he did it disgusting. I felt he was taking advantages on the fact I was a student, a foreigner, and younger. I can't stand people acting in the back, I'm the straight kind of guy. I'd rather hard verity than soft lies. I choose to move out and to tell him at the last minute.

That what happened yesterday, With the help of two good friend of mine, Y. and E., we evacuate my room without him noticing until the very end. He realise it, and we had an argument, which we settle in a friendly way. The fact the I wasn't bound by any contract help a lot. After paying the standing charge, I agree to leave him a small deposit. Now I'm using the accomodation of my mates for 2 weeks before moving in a new room.

I have just realised that I have forgot two thing belonging to my friend E. in the house...

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