Christmas Pop Chart number 1: to the top of a mountain of crap


Here comes Christmas time again, and with it all the commercials willing to make you buy various presents for your relatives. Another warning that you have now reach this consuming core zone is the starting of the race toward Christmas chart number one. It's just pouring out from TV and radio as a continuous cheesy  flow. I guess this must happen in all the Christian culture countries. At the moment the UK is pretty badly touched with no less than a dozen of exciting tunes celebrating Christmas spirit and by the way trying to suck up the more money they can from your purse. Fortunately, all these wannabe are quiet unsuccessful. Check here

I have to reckon that I'm out of all the pop things, and that I have some contempt for it, as I think that it is designed to please and attract one main target: the 14-year old teenage girl. For instance, I put Junk food and Pop on the same kind of bad creation from consummation society. Both are unhealthy and drive you to very narrow horizon (either music or food). 

 However, from time to time you have to reckon the something unusual can happen that a tune can go mainstream and still carry some beauty and authenticity. It seems that  the song extract from "Donnie Darko" movie named "Mad World" is heading  for top of the chart. The song performed by Michael Andrew and featuring Gary Jules is coming back after being released for the DD soundtrack 2 years ago. Allegedly, the song has been recorded in 3 times just because both Jules and Andrew bumped into each other in a recording studio. The minimalist approach done by the musicians is really moving and make you whistle the tune again and again without even noticing.

Find the lyrics there 

I'm surprising myself wishing it to go the top.

In French, we have a saying that translated means that the more beautiful rose grows from the ugliest manure. It would just be a perfect illustration...

on Dec 14, 2003
I like your saying about beautiful roses...It's true!
on Dec 15, 2003

Commercialization does tend to take out the true meaning and purpose of most holidays, hell some have been created/emphasized just for their marketability.

Surely Halloween and Valentines day were minor Catholic memorials before their commercialization.

Mothers Day, Fathers Day, and Grandparents Day are all the creation of Marketeurs.

Saint Patricks Day and Cinco de Mayo are all celebrations most equate with mass consuption of beer. Who really cares that it's Mexico's freedom from Spain, or some Irish Catholic did something.......

Christmas was a minor Christian celebration before retailers discovered it, legend has it that a wily Jewish merchant was looking for a way to extend his sales after Hannuka.

Kwaanza ? Hell, part of celebrating kwaanza is supporting Black owned business. Now that's a good one, gotta go spend some money to participate properly in the holiday.

One last note, I hope Europe is being spared the attack of "Metroman" Clay Aiken. Yes, the boy can sing, but the marketing package they have rolled him into is sickening. It's like a combination of "Queer Eye" meets Opie Taylor. " Paw, does this plaid shirt go with these striped pants?" "No Aunt Bee, I didn't use all of your Aqua net, I have my own hair jell...." "Sure Barney, I like girls too...".