OM weekly index (14/12/2003)
Published on December 14, 2003 By JEPEL In Misc

From Nobel Peace Prize winner to British heathens in 21 steps.

Number of the 111 Nobel peace prize winners who have come to the US 18

Number of the 111 Nobel peace prize winners who have come to the UK 9

Years since Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize, an event which prompted the American satirist Tom Lehrer to remark: "It was at that moment that satire died. There was nothing more to say." 30

Number of Hungarian Nobel prize winner 16

Number of time that this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, awarded the prize for fighting for democracy and the right of women and children', has been jailed on charges of slandering Iranian government official. 2

Number of year in jail faced by asylum seeker to Britain if they destroy their travel documents on the way to UK 2

Number of prisoners in the UK jail who are forced to double up in a prison cell designed for just one inmate 14,000

Number of the 111 Nobel Peace prize winner who have been female 11

Number of the 111 winner who have been Muslim - previous winner include Palestinian president Yasser Arafat,in 1994, and Egyptian president Anwar Sadat, 1978 3

Number of the seven major British army campaigns of the past 100 years - First world war, Second World war, Korea, Falkland, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq in which the US has been involved on our side. 6

% of the global British expat community that lives in the US 8

Estimated % of the global US expat community that lives in the UK 6

% of the US population that is white 70 

% of the UK population that is white 92.1

% of the US population living in poverty according to world bank figure 13.2  

% of the UK population living in poverty according to world bank figure 6.7

Average worker's number of day until tax freedom day in the US 109

Average worker's number of day until tax freedom day in the UK 155

% of Americans who think they are in the top 1 % of US earner 19

% of UK lottery winners who are very confident of winning again 21

% of Briton who can't name one of the four New testament Gospel 45

Compiled by Tom Templeton

1-4 Nobel committee 5 Observer research 6,7 Home Office 8,9 Nobel committee 10 MoD 11 FCO 12 New York Time 13 US census Bureau 14 ONS 15-16 World Bank 17 Tax foundation 18 Adam Smith Institute 19 Time 20 National Lottery 21 Mori

Observer Magazine (14/12/2003)

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