November 14, 2004 by
Cheese eating... There are thing that I don't understand. Well I just might be stupid. It'salways a possibility.But I would like people to explain me why french bashing issuch a popular part of American culture. Or may be it is just JU culture, butfor what I can't see from newspaper and the violence of some reaction whenfrance refused to send troop among the coalition in Irak. Just let me list all the stereotypes I came accross : - coward - stupid - stinky - arrogant...
November 11, 2004 by
So Bush won... Like a lot of people on this planet, I was not very happy about that. I remember waking up when they were counting Ohio votes, Kerry was losing, and 8 hours after it was done, 4 more years. Good Job Georges. I had just met an englishman pro-bush the day before. He was a the first I have ever see. But we didn't talk about the election. From europe US presidential election look like a sport events or actually more like a big Wrestling events. Spectacular, and shallo...
From un-American to anti-American It has probably come to the attention of a lot of people thatD. Rumsfeld has been in an uncomfortable position for the last few days. Under therecent pressure, he has almost acted in a decent way, and even issue severalapologies, although his resignation is still lost in the fog of war. As you might have guess, I am not a big fan of Rumsfeld, evenif I can appreciate his special and subtle sense of humor from time to time.Nevertheless, I was a bit s...
Dear Australian fellows, dear agawrian, dear others, I am a fresh agawrian, it is a new state of myself, butin some strange way I feel that I was one from my birth. Although I hardlyknow any other agawrians. Although I always had difficulties to define it. Iknew that the agawrian way lived somewhere, somehow. The spirit of agawrian exist, where tolerance standagainst violence, when humanity face greed and love repel death. I stronglybelieve that it is something shared by most ...
February 25, 2004 by
New Page 1 Coup de poker? Dimanche dernier, les juges du tribunal de Niceont decide que Jean Marie Le Pen ne sera pas candidat a la region PACA,apparement pour des motifs administratifs. Je ne suis pas familier avec la loimais il se serait presente sans etre inscrit dans les bons registres ou plutotsans payer les impots locaux aux bons endroits. Quand j'ai appris la nouvelle,je me suis d'abord marre, je suis de PACA et bien que je ne nourisse aucunefierte regionales, j'aurais et...
February 24, 2004 by
New Page 2 Wanted: Sir Peter Maxwell Last week, a surprising and funny blogger named SirPeter Maxwell came to cheer the JoeUser bloggers. Sir Peter had described a lotof his life in his personal blog enlighten us with great revelation. However, hehas now disappear without a trace. I'm sure that such a prominent character isthe subject of a lot of jealousy. But I'm really curious about his fate. As he finally achieve his goal to purchase JoeUser?Has he find a...
February 17, 2004 by
A good article from George Monbiot publish in " TheGuardian " I really like his description of Hollywood as anindustry of such vital importance to the spreading of US way of life and cultureas a way to prepare the world to US imperialism. "So perhaps we should not be surprised tosee, in that St Patrick's day parade and in so many other events over the past60 years or more, people marching behind the mouse and the duck. It may be anunconscious display of power, but it is a display of...
February 11, 2004 by
New Page 1 An article published Theobserver (08/02/2004) I choose it for several reasons: - I need a little change from the Iraq war discussion,it start to go round and round... - Immigration is a big topic in EU, specially with thesoon integration of the 10 new state members. The problems that comes withuncontrolled and unwilling immigration have a special sound in France since the21 April. - The liberal dilemma is well explained by Tory MP David Willetts 'If ...
February 10, 2004 by
New Page 1 Anotherarticle from Naomi Klein publish in the Guardian Again some critic to US administration for the way ithandle Iraq reconstruction effort. An interesting feature of this article is toshow the low compatibility of building democracy using corporation.Surprisingly, the article end by calling for support of GWB previous declarations... Democracy and robbery Washington wants to outsource Iraqi sovereignty, but its grip onthe country is growing weaker
February 1, 2004 by
New Page 1 Published in The Observer (1/02/2004) Always good to confront yesterday speech to today'sreality. Specially after the resignation of the former chief (David Kay) of theIraqi Survey group saying that no WMD will be found... Pre war allegation: Iraq possesses 100-500 tonnes of chemical weaponsagents UN security Council presentation by Colin Powell(5/02/2003) Status: Not found Pre war allegation: Iraq has hidden warhea...
December 15, 2003 by
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