Jepel's Articles In Music
January 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 In a previous post , I was talking about Christmas popchart and all the craps it tries to sell you. I was also pointing the songextract from the "Donnie Darko" soundtrack, "Mad world"performed by Michael Andrew ft. Gary Jules. It finally did number 1 and sellmore than the usual pop sellers. Check Here   The exception confirm the rules... Sometime we areliving in a real world...
December 14, 2003 by JEPEL
Christmas Pop Chart number 1: to the top of a mountain ofcrap   Here comes Christmas time again, and with it all the commercials willing tomake you buy various presents for your relatives. Another warning that you havenow reach this consuming core zone is the starting of the race toward Christmaschart number one. It's just pouring out from TV and radio as a continuous cheesy flow. I guess this must happen in all the Christian culture countries. At themoment the UK is pretty b...