Jepel's Articles In Life Journals
February 17, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 My yesterday night exploit Don't tell me that I'm a geek, I already knows that...   Yesterday, we were celebrating T. birthday. T. is an Englishguy that works in my lab, he look like a rugby man and he is actually a rugby man.Sometime life make things well. So we went on a pub crawling and after 8 pubs,we end in a club. We were totally fucked up, and we start dancing in a stylethat punk would  describe as elegant and restrained, on another hand, I'msure that the...
February 23, 2004 by JEPEL
The small piece can make the Nuggets make the cake tastegood... The past week has been relatively quiet, but after looking back I realisethat there was some interesting stuff. The beginning on Monday was really fun withthe celebration of T. Birthday, we went with the usual lads to do a pubcrawling. In case you don't know what it is, you go from pub to pub, at each pubeverybody should take the same drink and leave straight away to another pub. It'svery nice because you don'...
March 11, 2004 by JEPEL
I'm back and cheating JoeUser Probably that some of you know about my ordeal (Thanksto the magnificent Sir Peter), I couldn't and still can't connect to JoeUserfrom university and I hadn't any other way before now. But my  housematesbought a router so we  can share the access  to broadband. Cool. Ithink that other people are probably  trapped in the same way because thenumber of daily article seems lower than usual. (hey, I can't talk but I stillcan read... ) H...
March 4, 2004 by JEPEL
Week end in Wales Week end in Wales: Friday  Pork pie in front of the Snowdon My friends L. , Y. , E. , his sister C. and I went to visit Wales the last weekend. Herein, is the description  of ourtrip from the notes I have been taking.  Thursday Friday After 5 hours of sleeping, I woke up with the same tunethat when I fell asleep, the melodious but extremely loud snoring of E. ,it was 7:30 and my only option was to go down to the lounge and have s...
March 1, 2004 by JEPEL
Week end in Wales Week end in Wales: Thursday  Are going to sleep in the car? My friends L. , Y. , E. , his sister C. and I went to visit Wales the last weekend. Herein, is the description  of ourtrip from the notes I have been taking.  We left the university Thursday eve around 18h30 headingfor Wales, obviously, the roads were very busy but we managed to quicklyprogress toward the bordure. Our first destination was the Youth hostel build atthe feet of S...
February 26, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Detox and Wales   Tonight I'm heading with my mates to Wales to spend theweek end there. As I have never been there before and I really need to breathsome fresh air, so I'm really eager. Also it will be the longer time since Christmasthat I will spend without logging here. We have plan to climb the highestmountain of Wales and to visit a lot of other stuff. I predict it will be fun, cool and maybe with snow...
May 2, 2004 by Jepel
New Page 1 I haven't been writing here for quiet a long time now,around one month and not for blogging. It is quiet a change compare to thealmost daily frequentation I had shown since December. I guess that after awhile the excitation is going down a bit, adding that I was really busy, thatI'm experiencing e-mule extensively and that I burnt my mother board, as aconsequence of pulling the donkey too much....  Not enough time and not enough brain to spare to write, even if I h...
March 29, 2004 by Jepel
WE in Wales:Sunday Mediterranee,mediterrannee My friends L. , Y. , E. , his sister C. and I went to visit Wales the lastweekend. Herein, is the description  of our trip from the notes I have beentaking.  Thursday Friday Saturday   Even without E. 'ssnoring, I woke up first, it was around 8. Like usual. As it has been decided before going tobed, I woke up everybody. I went into theliving room and breakfasted with a tea bag I had stolen from the s...
March 22, 2004 by Jepel
Typiquement entendu dans lespubs anglais et dit par un "mate" et irremediablement synonyme d'unebonne demi heure d'ennuie...  Avant de venir en UK, jepensais que les francais etaient premier au palmares des europeens les plus nulsen langue etrangeres... Depuis que je suis ici, je me suis apercu que lesanglais nous valent bien.  Comme les petits francais,les petits anglais ont eu des cours de langues etrangeres dont le francaissemble etre la plus populaire, mais ont plus ou moins aban...
March 16, 2004 by Jepel
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