Jepel's Articles In Misc
December 14, 2003 by JEPEL
From Nobel Peace Prize winner to Britishheathens in 21 steps . Number of the 111 Nobel peace prize winners whohave come to the US 18 Number of the 111 Nobel peace prize winners whohave come to the UK 9 Years since Henry Kissinger won the Nobel PeacePrize, an event which prompted the American satirist Tom Lehrer to remark:"It was at that moment that satire died. There was nothing more tosay." 30 Number of Hungarian Nobel prize winner 16 Number of time ...
January 11, 2004 by JEPEL
From truth tellers to television repeatsin 21 easy steps . % of proposals of marriage from men that takeplace over the Christmas season 31 % of men who attended a work do who confessed,in a Cosmopolitan survey to manoeuvring a female colleague under themistletoe as an excuse to kiss her 38 % of British women who wed in 1963 who chose aman six or more years younger than themselves 3 % of British women who wed in 1998 who chose aman six or more years younge...
January 27, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Few tips for avoiding heartburns   Two years ago, I have been diagnosed with oesophagitis,(it means an inflammation of  the oesophagus) due to excess acid reflux. Ihave been treated with medicine but had found that a couple of trick can reallyhelp. The main principle is to understand how your stomachwork. It is a bag and muscle able to ground its content. The heartburn came fromthe food being digested to go up through oesophagus. (I don't know if there is asi...
January 19, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Fromkiller whales to labrador in 21 steps   Estimatedage ok Keiko, the six-tonne killer wale star of the free Willy films, who was buriedin a secret ceremony in Norway in mid December after dying of pneumonia   27 Numberof month Keiko – who at the age of two was captured in Iceland and put in a Mexicanwater park – spent in the wild before he died 18 Averagelife expectancy of killer whales in the wild 35 Numberof free Willy fi...
January 15, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 3 Few facts of living with her majesty subjects (The one Iknow are young, most of the time students and with some notable exceptions showthe same kind of behaviour.) They don't like to cook, likely because they don't know how to although the UK TV channels are full of cooking programs. A typical meal prepared and enjoyed with delight by all the English is baked bean on a toast with some butter.  Disgusting... Politeness is not something they usually con...
December 10, 2003 by JEPEL
Eating human flesh Since last week  has opened the trial of a German citizen accused of killing another man and eating bits of his body. Interestingly, the victim agree to be killed and to be eaten (!), he also wanted to be mutilated alive and be separated from his own penis. Both men tried to eat it before the victim was stabbed to death. The whole scene was taped on video.,3604,1102811,00.html If your looking for r...
February 3, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 A nice and funny flash movie. I think it's in Russianbut can't be sure as uni's computers don't have sound card...
February 1, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 FromAmerica's favourite actress to Britain's top dog name in 21 steps   Numberof years in a row that Julia Roberts has picked up the People's Choice Awards asAmerica's favourite motion picture actress  5 Numberof  film she appeared in during 1992, the year in which she won the award 0 Numberof  People's Choice Awards she has won in total 9 Numberof Americans polled between September and December each year to find thecou...
January 27, 2004 by JEPEL
Recipe of the tartiflette . I doubt a lot of non France resident can bake this mealbut still I'm writing it First, peel 1 kg of potatoes, dice them and fry themuntil they get gently crusty. 5 minute until the end add 5 small onions into thefrying pan. During the frying of the potatoes, split the reblochon in two half by the middle, Reblochon In a bowl, mix 500 g of fresh cream (better to use creme fraiche kind of cream, they stand the heat much better.), 2te...