Jepel's Articles for December 1, 2003
December 1, 2003 by JEPEL
Yesterday, I have moved out of my accommodation. I was living there for one year and a half. I used to quiet like this house, but recently I couldn't stand it anymore. I was doing anything to delay coming back home. Actually, I wasn't feeling home anymore and sometimes was even feeling physically ill about it. The main reason come from sharing the house with the landlord. I cannot say that I think he was a bad, the opposite would probably true considering him as an individual. But he was a ter...
December 1, 2003 by JEPEL
The title is already quiet self explicit, I feel netherless that I should elaborate a little bit more. I have been in Leicester (UK) for already 2 years. I come from a city of the french riviera. I don't really know why I'm starting this blog. One good reason is probably because I think that writing a blog is gonna help to practice my writing skill, the real reason is probably because like a lot of blogger, I need to explain and tell myself. I don't think that my writing style will be extra...