Jepel's Articles for January, 2004
January 27, 2004 by JEPEL
Recipe of the tartiflette . I doubt a lot of non France resident can bake this mealbut still I'm writing it First, peel 1 kg of potatoes, dice them and fry themuntil they get gently crusty. 5 minute until the end add 5 small onions into thefrying pan. During the frying of the potatoes, split the reblochon in two half by the middle, Reblochon In a bowl, mix 500 g of fresh cream (better to use creme fraiche kind of cream, they stand the heat much better.), 2te...
January 29, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 I received this by e-mail from a friend of mine. Notonly Bush can do Bushisms... "WheneverI watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help butcry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies anddeath and stuff." --MariahCarey ````````````````````````````````````````` "Smokingkills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life," --BrookeShields, during an interview to b...
January 29, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 I received this by e-mail from a friend of mine. Notonly Bush can do Bushisms... "WheneverI watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help butcry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies anddeath and stuff." --MariahCarey ````````````````````````````````````````` "Smokingkills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life," --BrookeShields, during an interview to b...
January 30, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 London and headache   Yesterday night, we have been to the "Swan andrushes", a pub specialised in Belgian beers. It was good laugh and qualitydrink. A lot of Christmas special beer were really good. We were quiet drunk andmy friend E. and I start to quarrel on the way back.  Apparently Y. toldme, he was quiet furious about that. Sweet alcohol... Tonight I'm going to London with Y. for the week end,sleeping at S.. We are going to be 9 in a sm...
January 29, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Snow and Hutton enquiries The two last days have been really cold, the weather programdescribe it as artic blast. It's the first time I see that amount of snow inLeicester, everything has been covered  by a little more than 1 cm of snow. Although a lot of roads have been salted, there has been a lot of accidentaround. All the pavements are frozen, and some of my workmates have fallen dueto the frost. It's really an unusual event, but the sun has been shining a...
January 20, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1   Always good to have some numbers.... Published today in "The independant" (UK).Check Here George W Bush and the real state of the Union Today the President gives his annual address. As theelection battle begins, how does his first term add up? 20 January 2004 232: Number of American combat deaths in Iraqbetween May 2003 and January 2004 501: Number of American servicemen to die in Iraqfrom the beginning of the war - so fa...
January 27, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Few tips for avoiding heartburns   Two years ago, I have been diagnosed with oesophagitis,(it means an inflammation of  the oesophagus) due to excess acid reflux. Ihave been treated with medicine but had found that a couple of trick can reallyhelp. The main principle is to understand how your stomachwork. It is a bag and muscle able to ground its content. The heartburn came fromthe food being digested to go up through oesophagus. (I don't know if there is asi...
January 22, 2004 by JEPEL
Moving in Movingin   For2 weeks I have been living in my new house, actually since I came back fromChristmas holiday. Again my friends E . and Y ., who kept all mystuff at their house, helped me to move in. My new room is almost the half of myprevious accommodation, but the whole house is in much better state: it is warm(actually hot compared to what I’ve been living in), my housemate are youngand speak English (previously I was sharing with one Greek… and two Czechs o...
January 24, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 An interesting article (as always) from NaomiKlein.  Published in The guardian (UK) (24/01/2004) Here Find more Naomi Klein's articles at her web site Here by Naomi Klein > January 22 2004 Bush's Iraq an Appointocracy “The people of Iraq are free,” declared U.S. President George W. Bush inTuesday’s State of the Union. The day before, 100,000 Iraqis begged to differ.They took to the streets of Baghdad shouting “Yes, yes to elections. No,...
January 19, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Fromkiller whales to labrador in 21 steps   Estimatedage ok Keiko, the six-tonne killer wale star of the free Willy films, who was buriedin a secret ceremony in Norway in mid December after dying of pneumonia   27 Numberof month Keiko – who at the age of two was captured in Iceland and put in a Mexicanwater park – spent in the wild before he died 18 Averagelife expectancy of killer whales in the wild 35 Numberof free Willy fi...
January 17, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Building your own missile An inventor from New Zealand has been stopped building his own state of theart missile. He was easily discovered due to the publication of the diary of hisproject on the net. If you aim to build your own missile system for no more than$5000, you can check  here . Thespecification of the project are quiet interesting: Satellite-based (GPS) guidance and targeting A form of inertial (or other) backup guidance Jet-powered...
January 15, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 I have discover Naomie Klein with her book and best seller "NoLogo" and since I'm always very curious about her articles.   This article has been published in "The Nation" Here (8/01/2004) by Naomi Klein. Don't think and drive. That was the message sent out by the FBI to roughly 18,000 law enforcementagencies on Christmas Eve. The alert urged police pulling over drivers fortraffic violations, and conducting other routine investigations, ...
January 15, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 3 Few facts of living with her majesty subjects (The one Iknow are young, most of the time students and with some notable exceptions showthe same kind of behaviour.) They don't like to cook, likely because they don't know how to although the UK TV channels are full of cooking programs. A typical meal prepared and enjoyed with delight by all the English is baked bean on a toast with some butter.  Disgusting... Politeness is not something they usually con...
January 13, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 Clandestine Crusaders Cartoon by Mark Fiore | January 13, 2004 Published In Mother Jones Here Have Fun ! This cartoon requires Macromedia's Flash Player. I, downloadthe player here .
January 11, 2004 by JEPEL
From truth tellers to television repeatsin 21 easy steps . % of proposals of marriage from men that takeplace over the Christmas season 31 % of men who attended a work do who confessed,in a Cosmopolitan survey to manoeuvring a female colleague under themistletoe as an excuse to kiss her 38 % of British women who wed in 1963 who chose aman six or more years younger than themselves 3 % of British women who wed in 1998 who chose aman six or more years younge...
January 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Pronounce TOLOSE I know it's no more in the current event section, but I would like towrite about my new year's eve now as I could access a decent internet connectionbefore.  Usually, I don't try to plan new year eve until the final days. I think it can be a quiet good strategy allowing you to meet the unexpected. In general, the less you plan, the better the evening. Another important principle is to never forget to drink gradually otherwise you won't last long. ...
January 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 In a previous post , I was talking about Christmas popchart and all the craps it tries to sell you. I was also pointing the songextract from the "Donnie Darko" soundtrack, "Mad world"performed by Michael Andrew ft. Gary Jules. It finally did number 1 and sellmore than the usual pop sellers. Check Here   The exception confirm the rules... Sometime we areliving in a real world...