Jepel's Articles for December, 2003
December 7, 2003 by JEPEL
  Ideal measurement of women's waist to hip measurement(calculated by dividing waist measurement by hip measurement from the point ofview of men according to UCL psychology professor John Manning. 0.7 Years since the average British woman had such a ratiowhich equate to the waist being just under a third smaller than the hips 23 Current ratio 0.73 % of Britons who feel the media cannot be heldresponsible for dictating the public perception of the ideal body s...
December 10, 2003 by JEPEL
Eating human flesh Since last week  has opened the trial of a German citizen accused of killing another man and eating bits of his body. Interestingly, the victim agree to be killed and to be eaten (!), he also wanted to be mutilated alive and be separated from his own penis. Both men tried to eat it before the victim was stabbed to death. The whole scene was taped on video.,3604,1102811,00.html If your looking for r...
December 23, 2003 by JEPEL
The father of my mother die last month. Unfortunatly I couldn`t attend the funeral as my grandmother and him were living deeply in the countryside. When I learn the news from my mother voice on the phone, I just start crying even if I wasn't surprised. He was 89 and was suffering from anaemia for the last 3 years. His condition required him to go regularly to hospital to get fresh blood. I was sad as a grandson losing his grandfather, however I wasn`t feeling devastated. Of course, to medita...
December 15, 2003 by JEPEL
© Martin Rowson 2003
December 14, 2003 by JEPEL
Christmas Pop Chart number 1: to the top of a mountain ofcrap   Here comes Christmas time again, and with it all the commercials willing tomake you buy various presents for your relatives. Another warning that you havenow reach this consuming core zone is the starting of the race toward Christmaschart number one. It's just pouring out from TV and radio as a continuous cheesy flow. I guess this must happen in all the Christian culture countries. At themoment the UK is pretty b...
December 14, 2003 by JEPEL
In transit That's my current situation. In a previous post, Idescribed in the best words I could how I moved out of my house. At the moment,I'm using the hospitality of my friends E. and Y. , both Frenchmanworking in the same department as me. This situation has been lasting since thefirst of December and it's going to end soon on the 17 of December. Although I'mmore than very grateful to my friends, I'm quiet eager to go back into a houseon my own. (it will be a shared house wit...
December 14, 2003 by JEPEL
From Nobel Peace Prize winner to Britishheathens in 21 steps . Number of the 111 Nobel peace prize winners whohave come to the US 18 Number of the 111 Nobel peace prize winners whohave come to the UK 9 Years since Henry Kissinger won the Nobel PeacePrize, an event which prompted the American satirist Tom Lehrer to remark:"It was at that moment that satire died. There was nothing more tosay." 30 Number of Hungarian Nobel prize winner 16 Number of time ...
December 7, 2003 by JEPEL
I am not a party man.  Even if I enjoy socialising, share fun with my friends and getting pissed, I amnot really this kind of person going from one party to another, always on thebeat and stuff. I like alcohols, I' m a big fan of Belgian beer but the spiritare driving me weird and destroy my memories. Usually I do not remember what'shappened. The black blank. I need my friend to tell me what I did.  Yesterday I went to this Spanish party. I havebeen to a couple in the past and always f...
December 1, 2003 by JEPEL
Yesterday, I have moved out of my accommodation. I was living there for one year and a half. I used to quiet like this house, but recently I couldn't stand it anymore. I was doing anything to delay coming back home. Actually, I wasn't feeling home anymore and sometimes was even feeling physically ill about it. The main reason come from sharing the house with the landlord. I cannot say that I think he was a bad, the opposite would probably true considering him as an individual. But he was a ter...
December 1, 2003 by JEPEL
The title is already quiet self explicit, I feel netherless that I should elaborate a little bit more. I have been in Leicester (UK) for already 2 years. I come from a city of the french riviera. I don't really know why I'm starting this blog. One good reason is probably because I think that writing a blog is gonna help to practice my writing skill, the real reason is probably because like a lot of blogger, I need to explain and tell myself. I don't think that my writing style will be extra...