Jepel's Articles In Blogging
August 28, 2004 by Jepel
Hibernatus As I try to come out of several months of hibernation, I found out that I had become a level 2 Joe Users during my time out there. The least I can say is that it is quiet a surprise. May be the best way to become a power user is to blog elsewhere... Prelude If you have read my previous articles about JU ( Points systems, blogging and ants... and Points systems, blogging and ants...(2) ) you probably know that I have tried to understand and exp...
May 17, 2004 by Jepel
Points systems, blogging and ants... The ant and the cicada   a brief introduction... I have written recently an article tryingto demonstrate and explain the point system related to JU's blogsite, Pointssystems, blogging and ants... I was using a comparison with ants behavior tofind and gather food in the quickest way. I Theconclusion was that bloggsite points are revealingabout the quantity of visits generated by a blog, that this is an efficient systemto highligh...
May 12, 2004 by Jepel
New Page 1 Dear top 24 bloggers, I have written a sequel to a previous article "Points systems, blogging and ants... and why popularity stinks"which is focused on blogger's point systems. As a discussing base, I have usedthe following "personal data" of the first 25 bloggers: user points, #articles and # comments. It  consist of a small investigation through statisticalglasses and is by no mean a naming or mocking process .  However, as you may feel embarrassed to see you...
May 6, 2004 by Jepel
Points systems, blogging and ants... and why popularity stinks... For the last couple of months there have been a lot ofarticles about the fairness and the accuracy of the point systems,  somearticles were highlightinga few blogs  not fitting their criteria, others were pointing the artificial popularity due to externalvisitors. I would like to help the debate by proving the opposite.After all, you can always see a glass half empty or half full...and saying that the...
March 16, 2004 by Jepel
WE in Wales: Saturday The Mare and the Bitches My friends L. , Y. , E. ,his sister C. and I went to visit Wales the last weekend. Herein, is thedescription  of our trip from the notes I have been taking.  Thursday Friday   The usual wake up, the usual snoring. Better go quickly downstairs.  I spendsome time in the lounge reading until Y. came down, followed by L. and C. While we're having breakfast I can't help observing the sco...
March 5, 2004 by JEPEL
  Gemcity joe has started an JoeUseraward . I don't really fancy award but it may be kind of funny. I didn't wantto comment on the GCJ post because I don't want o influence anyone, but I'mgonna do it here BEST OVERALL ORIGINAL BLOGGER imajinit Fresh, original, natural, daily and friendly. 2. MOST COMICAL BLOGGER SirPeter Maxwell A lot of people don't get it, well, I do... 3. MOST CONTROVERSIAL BLOGGER SuperBaby Very bizarre so...
March 5, 2004 by JEPEL
Why I love Sir Peter Maxwell? The answers are so obvious and natural, who wouldn't beimpressed by such nobility and grace that can only betray a person from a higherfamily and best education. By far he is the more charming blogger around, charmthat is only matched by the great generosity he had to educate the JoeUsercommunity. Of course,  people can turn blind in front of the light oftruth, and Sir Peter has to confront sceptical blogger, but surely, Sir peterwill establish Maxwell...
March 4, 2004 by JEPEL
"Toutes les anglaises sont rousses..." C'est ce qu'aurait ecrit a sa famille,un francais fraichement debarque a Calais apres avoir croise une anglaise a lachevelure rouge sur les quais britanniques. C'est aussi la conclusion d'uneblague, pas tres drole mais relativement explicite sur notre facon de comprendrenos differences. Entre autres choses, voyager permet de rencontrer d'autrescultures, des lieus inconnus et de se confronter a l'image que les"indigenes" ont de ...
February 21, 2004 by JEPEL
Mon premier Mon premier "vrai" blog francais Bon, bon, par quoi commencer ? D'abord une rapidepresentation  en francais de JEPEL. Je suis unetudiant qui etudie pour l'obtention d'un doctorat en Science a l'universite de Leicester(UK). J'ai choisi un pseudonyme et je dissimule les noms de mes "personnage"derriere des initiales car je veux preserver un flou quand a mon identite etcelle de mes amis. Ca peut sembler pesant, mais je me sens plus a l'aise comm...
February 16, 2004 by JEPEL
If blog is porn If blog is porn, then ...   It might sound weird but I got the idea from KarenHobbs in a post   that I had actually misunderstood. (well, English isnot my birth language..., my comment look a little bit dull...). It doesn't lookclose but thinking about it, I start to realise that both are similar to someextent. You can observe funny correlation about watching porn or reading a blog.A lot of blogs are personal diaries or random thought, so the author a...
February 15, 2004 by JEPEL
The 50th post The 50th post: Deconstructing JEPEL From time to time, it's necessary to take a step behindand examine your achievement. This post is more for myself than for anyone elseto tread. But the rule of blog for me is that you don't hide anything. So firstI have written a summary of all my post, thus all the blogger I enjoy readingand after I put my comments and resolutions. Summary Blogging Godcreated the cat... Mybig fish story Fewfa...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 4 Sunday afternoon, working in the lab.... It is almost the climax of my weekend, it's around 4p.m,the day is almost off and I'm in a cold lab working alone listening to Frenchmusic. Even from a French perspective, it sounds sad. But I choose to be hereand do some work, after all, it's more stimulating that watching crappy TVprogram like a zombie. I made the decision of working like a dog until the enduntil September, date after which I'm not going to be paid anymore, and...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
From America FromAmerican psychos to car-crash survivors in 21 steps     Numberof points in a new 'Business scan' questionnaire developed by Pr Robert Hare andDr Paul Babiak, North American experts in psychotic disorders, to identifypsychopaths in the workplace 107 %of the general population in north America that Pr Hare estimates arepsychopaths - Hare believes a psychopath's ability to manipulate others, coupledwith a veneer of charm and high energy, can make them ...
February 4, 2004 by JEPEL
God created the cat God created the cat... to allow human to caress thelion. My friends Y. told me this story about R. ,a Spanish guy that they are currently accommodating  at the house offelicity (since Y. and E. have been living in it, guests have beenmoving in and moving out almost constantly). R. had been doing a PhDand  is due to pass its final viva in two weeks. R. came inthe  department and tell to E. : "I was at the house on the coach a...
February 3, 2004 by JEPEL
Week end in London I have returned from my weekend inLondon that turned to be  successful, and really enjoyable. Y. and I were supposed to meet friends coming from our homeuniversity on Friday eve and spent the rest of the weekend together. Our trainfor London was almost in time, we rapidly arrive to S. 's flat. Thus, welearned that their plane was 3 hours late and that we had enough time to buysome food and have a pint at the local pub. They arrived at 10 o'clock, meaningthat ...