Jepel's Articles for January 10, 2004
January 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Pronounce TOLOSE I know it's no more in the current event section, but I would like towrite about my new year's eve now as I could access a decent internet connectionbefore.  Usually, I don't try to plan new year eve until the final days. I think it can be a quiet good strategy allowing you to meet the unexpected. In general, the less you plan, the better the evening. Another important principle is to never forget to drink gradually otherwise you won't last long. ...
January 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 In a previous post , I was talking about Christmas popchart and all the craps it tries to sell you. I was also pointing the songextract from the "Donnie Darko" soundtrack, "Mad world"performed by Michael Andrew ft. Gary Jules. It finally did number 1 and sellmore than the usual pop sellers. Check Here   The exception confirm the rules... Sometime we areliving in a real world...