Jepel's Articles for February, 2004
February 25, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Coup de poker? Dimanche dernier, les juges du tribunal de Niceont decide que Jean Marie Le Pen ne sera pas candidat a la region PACA,apparement pour des motifs administratifs. Je ne suis pas familier avec la loimais il se serait presente sans etre inscrit dans les bons registres ou plutotsans payer les impots locaux aux bons endroits. Quand j'ai appris la nouvelle,je me suis d'abord marre, je suis de PACA et bien que je ne nourisse aucunefierte regionales, j'aurais et...
February 24, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 Wanted: Sir Peter Maxwell   Last week, a surprising and funny blogger named SirPeter Maxwell came to cheer the JoeUser bloggers. Sir Peter had described a lotof his life in his personal blog enlighten us with great revelation. However, hehas now disappear without a trace. I'm sure that such a prominent character isthe subject of a lot of jealousy. But I'm really curious about his fate.  As he finally achieve his goal to purchase JoeUser?Has he find a...
February 26, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 I found this site with more or less funny cartoon tochemists and biochemists.
February 26, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Detox and Wales   Tonight I'm heading with my mates to Wales to spend theweek end there. As I have never been there before and I really need to breathsome fresh air, so I'm really eager. Also it will be the longer time since Christmasthat I will spend without logging here. We have plan to climb the highestmountain of Wales and to visit a lot of other stuff. I predict it will be fun, cool and maybe with snow...
February 21, 2004 by JEPEL
Mon premier Mon premier "vrai" blog francais Bon, bon, par quoi commencer ? D'abord une rapidepresentation  en francais de JEPEL. Je suis unetudiant qui etudie pour l'obtention d'un doctorat en Science a l'universite de Leicester(UK). J'ai choisi un pseudonyme et je dissimule les noms de mes "personnage"derriere des initiales car je veux preserver un flou quand a mon identite etcelle de mes amis. Ca peut sembler pesant, mais je me sens plus a l'aise comm...
February 23, 2004 by JEPEL
The small piece can make the Nuggets make the cake tastegood... The past week has been relatively quiet, but after looking back I realisethat there was some interesting stuff. The beginning on Monday was really fun withthe celebration of T. Birthday, we went with the usual lads to do a pubcrawling. In case you don't know what it is, you go from pub to pub, at each pubeverybody should take the same drink and leave straight away to another pub. It'svery nice because you don'...
February 22, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Trilogy - One I have saw the firstinstalment of Trilogy from LucasBelvaux , one or "Cavale" .I quiet liked it even if it was a little slow. I want to see the two others, butit might turn out to be impossible as I will go to Wales the next week end orthe one after. Any comments on the moviewould be incomplete because I haven't saw the other films, each movie can bewatched on its own, all have their own story but showing the same charactersduring the same short p...
February 15, 2004 by JEPEL
The 50th post The 50th post: Deconstructing JEPEL From time to time, it's necessary to take a step behindand examine your achievement. This post is more for myself than for anyone elseto tread. But the rule of blog for me is that you don't hide anything. So firstI have written a summary of all my post, thus all the blogger I enjoy readingand after I put my comments and resolutions. Summary Blogging Godcreated the cat... Mybig fish story Fewfa...
February 18, 2004 by JEPEL
Space elvator Space elevator A little review about that concept that is looking moreand more likely to happen in a close future.   What is a space elevator? It consist of a lift hanged on a cable long enough to reach the geostationary orbit. The concept to hasbeen imagined by Arthur C. Clark in his book "The fountain of paradise".     What are the reasons to build one? Potentially, it would ease a lot the earth-l...
February 9, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Merci a toi d'avoir clique sur ce lien. Logiquement, cela devrait signifier que tu es francais ou que tu parles francais. Juste par simple curiosite, je me demandais combien de francais frequentaient JoeUser.  
February 17, 2004 by JEPEL
A good article from George Monbiot publish in " TheGuardian " I really like his description of Hollywood as anindustry of such vital importance to the spreading of US way of life and cultureas a way to prepare the world to US imperialism. "So perhaps we should not be surprised tosee, in that St Patrick's day parade and in so many other events over the past60 years or more, people marching behind the mouse and the duck. It may be anunconscious display of power, but it is a display of...
February 17, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 My yesterday night exploit Don't tell me that I'm a geek, I already knows that...   Yesterday, we were celebrating T. birthday. T. is an Englishguy that works in my lab, he look like a rugby man and he is actually a rugby man.Sometime life make things well. So we went on a pub crawling and after 8 pubs,we end in a club. We were totally fucked up, and we start dancing in a stylethat punk would  describe as elegant and restrained, on another hand, I'msure that the...
February 16, 2004 by JEPEL
If blog is porn If blog is porn, then ...   It might sound weird but I got the idea from KarenHobbs in a post   that I had actually misunderstood. (well, English isnot my birth language..., my comment look a little bit dull...). It doesn't lookclose but thinking about it, I start to realise that both are similar to someextent. You can observe funny correlation about watching porn or reading a blog.A lot of blogs are personal diaries or random thought, so the author a...
February 3, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 A nice and funny flash movie. I think it's in Russianbut can't be sure as uni's computers don't have sound card...
February 15, 2004 by JEPEL
History of the valentine'day This is a translation from an article published in "LeMonde" The first traces of Valentine's day come from ancientRome. Originally it was a pagan celebration in the name of Lupercalia, god ofthe herd and shepherd and to Junon, goddess of  the woman and the romanwedding. It was the opportunities to celebrate fertility ritual, the moresurprising event was the the race of the "luperque", in which men werechasing women and whipping ...
February 15, 2004 by JEPEL
From America Fromgreenhouse gases to the finest Darjeeling in 21 steps     %of UK greenhouse gas emission that are caused by motorised transport 27   %of people in professional occupations who walk to work 5   %of people in non skilled occupations who walk to work 25 Numberof yards I'm a celebrity... participant Neil 'razor' Ruddock ran toheadbutt football opponent Craig Short, after he was convinced he has seen Shortstamp on Ruddoc...
February 13, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 A funny flash cartoon from Mark Fiores, always relevantif you want to know the naked truth... WatchHere
February 13, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 A funny flash cartoon from Mark Fiores, always relevantif you want to know the naked truth... WatchHere
February 13, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 Shoot the penguin html> Shoot the penguin (update) I read from an article published in the french newspaper" Liberation "that the flash game Muggaz and I had posted isbecoming famous worldwide (not because of me...).There are now modified version that allow you to reachthousands of meter with Pengu. NetVersion ModifiedVersion1 ModifiedVersion 2 Yeti Sportsofficial Version Apparently, the company YetiSport has release a sequel, orca s...
February 11, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 An article published Theobserver (08/02/2004)   I choose it for several reasons: - I need a little change from the Iraq war discussion,it start to go round and round... - Immigration is a big topic in EU, specially with thesoon integration of the 10 new state members. The problems that comes withuncontrolled and unwilling immigration have a special sound in France since the21 April.  - The liberal dilemma is well explained by Tory MP David Willetts 'If ...
February 5, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 An interesting article by one big player of globalcapitalism. He probably hasn't write it alone, nevertheless the content worthreading. Published Monday January 26, 2004 in The Guardian by George Soros Originalarticle The US is now in the hands of a group ofextremists Fundamentalism has spawned an ideology of American supremacy The invasion of Iraq was the first practical application of the pernicious Bushdoctrine of pre-emptive mi...
February 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Anotherarticle from Naomi Klein publish in the Guardian Again some critic to US administration for the way ithandle Iraq reconstruction effort. An interesting feature of this article is toshow the low compatibility of building democracy using corporation.Surprisingly, the article end by calling for support of GWB previous declarations... Democracy and robbery Washington wants to outsource Iraqi sovereignty, but its grip onthe country is growing weaker ...
February 10, 2004 by JEPEL
Purging R Purging R. Yesterday was the viva for R. 's final thesis, sowe decided to go to the pub to celebrate his first day as Dr R. . Almostall the usual suspects were there and the mood was really friendly and warm. Y. and I set the obvious objective of getting R. totally pissed. In order toachieve that we took a shooter for R. in addition to his beer each timewe were paying a round. As the eve was going, we could see R. gettingmore and more pissed and cheered. After...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 4 Sunday afternoon, working in the lab.... It is almost the climax of my weekend, it's around 4p.m,the day is almost off and I'm in a cold lab working alone listening to Frenchmusic. Even from a French perspective, it sounds sad. But I choose to be hereand do some work, after all, it's more stimulating that watching crappy TVprogram like a zombie. I made the decision of working like a dog until the enduntil September, date after which I'm not going to be paid anymore, and...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 3 A funny story about being gay and penguin... that mighthave be spread by Windows aficionado to make Linux geeks look gay... New York flips as penguins come out in CentralPark Robin McKie, science editor Sunday February 8, 2004 The Observer As gays go, Roy and Silo are not unusual. They cohabit, are affectionate inpublic and have been inseparable for years. Only their species marks them out.The New York pair are chinstrap penguins. Every day at ...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
From America FromAmerican psychos to car-crash survivors in 21 steps     Numberof points in a new 'Business scan' questionnaire developed by Pr Robert Hare andDr Paul Babiak, North American experts in psychotic disorders, to identifypsychopaths in the workplace 107 %of the general population in north America that Pr Hare estimates arepsychopaths - Hare believes a psychopath's ability to manipulate others, coupledwith a veneer of charm and high energy, can make them ...
February 4, 2004 by JEPEL
God created the cat God created the cat... to allow human to caress thelion. My friends Y. told me this story about R. ,a Spanish guy that they are currently accommodating  at the house offelicity (since Y. and E. have been living in it, guests have beenmoving in and moving out almost constantly). R. had been doing a PhDand  is due to pass its final viva in two weeks. R. came inthe  department and tell to E. : "I was at the house on the coach a...
February 5, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 Another flash movie that I can't hear due to the lack ofsound card on uni's computers. I don't know if it's good or no as it seems to behighly dependent on the soundtrack. If someone can tell me if it worth it...thanks Singing Bird
February 5, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 2 Another flash movie that I can't hear due to the lack ofsound card on uni's computers. I don't know if it's good or no as it seems to behighly dependent on the soundtrack. If someone can tell me if it worth it...thanks Singing Bird
February 5, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 A big fish story A couple of day ago, I have watched the latest TimBurton's movie, 'Big Fish', I really liked it and after  thinking of itseveral times, I realised that there's probably a lot of 'Big Fish' stories. Howcan you defined a 'Big fish' story? Well, It would probably be a story thatlooks very unlikely or impossible but thinking about it, it's better to keep agood story and forget the crude reality. I got one coming from my Grandparents. They met duri...
February 3, 2004 by JEPEL
Published in The Guardian Published in TheGuardian (03/02/2004) Tony has been constant in his claim about Iraq, untiltoday... an inquiry is going to be launched about the absence of WMD. May bethat the more convinced is a politician means how big is its need to convinceyou... '[Saddam's] weapons of mass destruction programme isactive detailed and growing. The policy of containment is not working.'  September 24 2002 'I have got no doubt that the purpose...
February 4, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Wednesday February 4, 2004 The Guardian   An interesting article from former CIA analyst Kenneth Pollack. He explained here why he changed hismind being prowar before it and being anti war now. Sound opportunistic? May be,read first, after all only idiot never change their mind... How did we get it so wrong? With inquiries under way on both sides of the Atlantic, thefailure of western intelligence over Iraq is coming under intense scrutiny. Yes,t...
February 4, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Big Fish Yesterday, I have see the latest Tim Burton's 'Bigfish'. Although I always liked him as a director and had really enjoy some ofhis movie (Batman 2 & 1, Mars Attack,..) I have been disappointed by itsmore recent 'Sleepy hollow' and 'Planet of the ape'. But 'Big fish' is now byfar my favourite, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone.  As I don't want to ruin it for anyone who plan to seeit, I will just say that it remind me something one of my ...
February 3, 2004 by JEPEL
Week end in London I have returned from my weekend inLondon that turned to be  successful, and really enjoyable. Y. and I were supposed to meet friends coming from our homeuniversity on Friday eve and spent the rest of the weekend together. Our trainfor London was almost in time, we rapidly arrive to S. 's flat. Thus, welearned that their plane was 3 hours late and that we had enough time to buysome food and have a pint at the local pub. They arrived at 10 o'clock, meaningthat ...
February 1, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Published in The Observer (1/02/2004) Always good to confront yesterday speech to today'sreality. Specially after the resignation of the former chief (David Kay) of theIraqi Survey group saying that no WMD will be found...    Pre war allegation:  Iraq possesses 100-500 tonnes of chemical weaponsagents UN security Council presentation by Colin Powell(5/02/2003) Status: Not found Pre war allegation:  Iraq has hidden warhea...
February 1, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 FromAmerica's favourite actress to Britain's top dog name in 21 steps   Numberof years in a row that Julia Roberts has picked up the People's Choice Awards asAmerica's favourite motion picture actress  5 Numberof  film she appeared in during 1992, the year in which she won the award 0 Numberof  People's Choice Awards she has won in total 9 Numberof Americans polled between September and December each year to find thecou...