Jepel's Articles for February 8, 2004
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 4 Sunday afternoon, working in the lab.... It is almost the climax of my weekend, it's around 4p.m,the day is almost off and I'm in a cold lab working alone listening to Frenchmusic. Even from a French perspective, it sounds sad. But I choose to be hereand do some work, after all, it's more stimulating that watching crappy TVprogram like a zombie. I made the decision of working like a dog until the enduntil September, date after which I'm not going to be paid anymore, and...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 3 A funny story about being gay and penguin... that mighthave be spread by Windows aficionado to make Linux geeks look gay... New York flips as penguins come out in CentralPark Robin McKie, science editor Sunday February 8, 2004 The Observer As gays go, Roy and Silo are not unusual. They cohabit, are affectionate inpublic and have been inseparable for years. Only their species marks them out.The New York pair are chinstrap penguins. Every day at ...
February 8, 2004 by JEPEL
From America FromAmerican psychos to car-crash survivors in 21 steps     Numberof points in a new 'Business scan' questionnaire developed by Pr Robert Hare andDr Paul Babiak, North American experts in psychotic disorders, to identifypsychopaths in the workplace 107 %of the general population in north America that Pr Hare estimates arepsychopaths - Hare believes a psychopath's ability to manipulate others, coupledwith a veneer of charm and high energy, can make them ...