Jepel's Articles for February 10, 2004
February 10, 2004 by JEPEL
New Page 1 Anotherarticle from Naomi Klein publish in the Guardian Again some critic to US administration for the way ithandle Iraq reconstruction effort. An interesting feature of this article is toshow the low compatibility of building democracy using corporation.Surprisingly, the article end by calling for support of GWB previous declarations... Democracy and robbery Washington wants to outsource Iraqi sovereignty, but its grip onthe country is growing weaker ...
February 10, 2004 by JEPEL
Purging R Purging R. Yesterday was the viva for R. 's final thesis, sowe decided to go to the pub to celebrate his first day as Dr R. . Almostall the usual suspects were there and the mood was really friendly and warm. Y. and I set the obvious objective of getting R. totally pissed. In order toachieve that we took a shooter for R. in addition to his beer each timewe were paying a round. As the eve was going, we could see R. gettingmore and more pissed and cheered. After...