WE in Wales:Sunday Mediterranee,mediterrannee My friends L. , Y. , E. , his sister C. and I went to visit Wales the lastweekend. Herein, is the description of our trip from the notes I have beentaking. Thursday Friday Saturday Even without E. 'ssnoring, I woke up first, it was around 8. Like usual. As it has been decided before going tobed, I woke up everybody. I went into theliving room and breakfasted with a tea bag I had stolen from the s...
Gadafism? As some of you might know, Tony Blair is visiting a newfriend, Colonel Gadafy. Libya and his enlighten dictator had recently shown a lotof energy to satisfy English and American policy. If you want to know more about Libyaand his history, you could check this link full of resources. (Click Here ) Tony's visit could be interpreted as the good cop/bad coptrick in order to recognize and award Libya's efforts to end terror activity andnuclear proliferation. Of course,...
Gadafism? As some of you might know, Tony Blair is visiting a newfriend, Colonel Gadafy. Libya and his enlighten dictator had recently shown a lotof energy to satisfy English and American policy. If you want to know more about Libyaand his history, you could check this link full of resources. (Click Here ) Tony's visit could be interpreted as the good cop/bad coptrick in order to recognize and award Libya's efforts to end terror activity andnuclear proliferation. Of course,...
The new Yetisport game has arrived: Seal bounce Check at the official website YetiSports official website Hardore andbloody version ModifiedVersion1 ModifiedVersion 2
Typiquement entendu dans lespubs anglais et dit par un "mate" et irremediablement synonyme d'unebonne demi heure d'ennuie... Avant de venir en UK, jepensais que les francais etaient premier au palmares des europeens les plus nulsen langue etrangeres... Depuis que je suis ici, je me suis apercu que lesanglais nous valent bien. Comme les petits francais,les petits anglais ont eu des cours de langues etrangeres dont le francaissemble etre la plus populaire, mais ont plus ou moins aban...
Half-life 2 delayed until summer Thereare few games that I'm eager to play, let alone buy them, but Half Life 2belongs definitively to this really small category. I was about to buy it on theoriginal announced released, September the 30, 2003. But as a lot of people like me subsequentlyfind out, things were going differently. The main reason was the theft of theoriginal code of the 3D engine - source- by hackers. The game was delayed until Decemberand is now announce...
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
WE in Wales: Saturday The Mare and the Bitches My friends L. , Y. , E. ,his sister C. and I went to visit Wales the last weekend. Herein, is thedescription of our trip from the notes I have been taking. Thursday Friday The usual wake up, the usual snoring. Better go quickly downstairs. I spendsome time in the lounge reading until Y. came down, followed by L. and C. While we're having breakfast I can't help observing the sco...
New Page 2 Dear Australian fellows, dear agawrian, dear others, I am a fresh agawrian, it is a new state of myself, butin some strange way I feel that I was one from my birth. Although I hardlyknow any other agawrians. Although I always had difficulties to define it. Iknew that the agawrian way lived somewhere, somehow. The spirit of agawrian exist, where tolerance standagainst violence, when humanity face greed and love repel death. I stronglybelieve that it is something...
Dear Australian fellows, dear agawrian, dear others, I am a fresh agawrian, it is a new state of myself, butin some strange way I feel that I was one from my birth. Although I hardlyknow any other agawrians. Although I always had difficulties to define it. Iknew that the agawrian way lived somewhere, somehow. The spirit of agawrian exist, where tolerance standagainst violence, when humanity face greed and love repel death. I stronglybelieve that it is something shared by most ...
Salut Anne, J'avais envie de t'ecrire apres avoir lu la note dans laquelle tu exprimais ton desir de venir vivre a Paris. Ton francais doitprobablement etre limite, mais je ne doute pas que tu finisses par me comprendre! Je ne te parlerais pas de Paris, la ville lumiere n'a besoin de personne pourattirer et seduire. Je voulais d'abord te remercier pour la sincerite etl'humanite que tu montres a chacune de tes notes. C'est en partie ce qui mepousse a t'ecrire, mais surtout parce qu...
I'm back and cheating JoeUser Probably that some of you know about my ordeal (Thanksto the magnificent Sir Peter), I couldn't and still can't connect to JoeUserfrom university and I hadn't any other way before now. But my housematesbought a router so we can share the access to broadband. Cool. Ithink that other people are probably trapped in the same way because thenumber of daily article seems lower than usual. (hey, I can't talk but I stillcan read... ) H...
Gemcity joe has started an JoeUseraward . I don't really fancy award but it may be kind of funny. I didn't wantto comment on the GCJ post because I don't want o influence anyone, but I'mgonna do it here BEST OVERALL ORIGINAL BLOGGER imajinit Fresh, original, natural, daily and friendly. 2. MOST COMICAL BLOGGER SirPeter Maxwell A lot of people don't get it, well, I do... 3. MOST CONTROVERSIAL BLOGGER SuperBaby Very bizarre so...